Saturday, February 21, 2009


I have determined that there are only so many reactions one can have to modernity. Generally speaking, they appear to be 1) outrage, 2) glee, 3) oblivion---i.e. act as if everything in the world continues to function properly and is amenable to reasonable explanation 4) resignation of varying degrees, and 5) boredom. 1 is bad for one's blood pressure; 2 and 3 are probably unconscionable. By 4 I refer more to the proactive acceptance of the situation that underlies Dr. MacIntyre's theories in After Virtue. 5 is self-explanatory. I don't know how to categorize reactions such as Peter Kreeft (see Back to Virtue, a more hopeful response to MacIntyre)---perhaps the dichotomy between 1 and 4 is inadequately inclusive.

Regardless, this space is devoted to whichever of these reactions I happen to feel like embracing at any particular time. I'm more interested in providing some mechanism for articulating my thoughts on various matters simply for the sake of thinking about them than I am about garnering a devoted readership or changing other people's lives. You've been warned.

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